Next to Normal, winner of 3 Tony Awards is a stroke of brilliance. Currently playing on Broadway at the Booth Theatre, Next to Normal is an emotional roller coaster where poignant songs and emotional story-telling meet soaring performances and brilliant design. One question, why this show wasn't the winner of a few more Tonys, especially "best musical"? With all that award nonsense aside, Next to Normal is one of the best musical experiences in recent memory. This show does not sacrifice substance for style, the primary focus is the story and the music, design and cast frame that story to perfection, a rare feat these days.
Alice Ripley is a tour de force as Diana, I can't get over how brilliant she was in this show. I feel honored to have seen this fine leading lady in top form. Kudos to the rest of the cast for their exquisit performaces. The show is designed and directed to perfection and the music and lyrics were catchy yet meaningful. The book (the most important element) is powerful and witty.
Next to Normal is theater at it's best. Broadway is once again changed and I wish we could see more shows like this produced on Broadway, To sum it up, this show is daring, un-apoligetic, heartfelt, candid, funny, disturbing, moving...the list could go on...
I dare you to find another musical currently playing on Broadway which holds up to the words listed above. Head to the Booth now, you will not be disappointed.
Next to Normal
The Booth Theatre
Performance: 2009.08.29 2pm
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