Saturday, September 13, 2008

One more thing...

...I love how you see people's true sometimes are blinded by the brightness, but when that brightness fades, the not so vibrant colors show. I'm a pretty smart guy and I'm happy I know the truth...confused? Maybe one day I'll fill you in. Just another day in the life of a single gay man! On a happier note, I'm glad I rediscovered Grey Gardens...and the wii fit. Fun times...can't wait for the sequel! In other news I think I'm going to plan a Grey Garden's Costume for Today Party....

"But you see in dealing with me, the relatives didn't know that they were dealing with a staunch character and I tell you if there's anything worse than dealing with a staunch woman... S-T-A-U-N-C-H. There's nothing worse, I'm telling you. They don't weaken, no matter what."
-Little Edie

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