Monday, October 26, 2009
This makes me giggle.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Great Romance
Active Mind
Friday, October 16, 2009
Streisand x23
The Color Purple - An Amazing Journey

I had the privilege of seeing The Color Purple last night at Proctors. I missed out on the Broadway production, luckily I had a second chance. The Color Purple is beautifully crafted and it soars to great heights. The story is uplifting and serves as a valuable reminder of how “people are making life harder for other people”, in the end we are all the same and The Color Purple stresses the importance of acceptance and tolerance.
The most notable aspect of this production was the cast; the talent on that stage is at times awe-inspiring. The songs are quite memorable and the lighting design was striking. The story is also of great importance, and I commend the book writers for focusing on the journey of this amazing woman. If you have some time, go to Proctors this weekend and see this show, you won’t regret it.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Complete Crap
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Vegas continues to mislead

Here is another ad for THEhotel, makes me giggle, you would never see such a thing in Vegas. Sin City is a hate crime waiting to happen.
VIA and Thanks!

Vegas Trip 2009 - THEhotel - A Review

THEhotel at Mandalay Bay
Aside from the fact that the rooms at THEhotel are showing their age, we had a very pleasant stay. I loved the separate living room/bedroom, the bathroom was large and well appointed and the service/staff were very friendly and accommodating. My only complaint was the cleanliness of the room, between the large windows and massive mirrors every spot and fingerprint showed making the room seem a bit dirty at times.
The amenities at Mandalay Bay were at times mind blowing. The pool area felt like our own little island getaway, the restaurants were top notch and the casino was very pleasant to gamble in. It was also great to have several entertainment options within our casino (House of Blues, Lion King, Beach Place etc). The pool became very crowded at times, but we never had a problem finding a place to sunbathe. It was also great having a separate entrance for THEhotel, it made arrival and departure very easy. Check-in was a breeze and all our room requests were met.
As far as location goes, Mandalay Bay is not the most ideal, but we enjoyed being away from the chaos of the strip, the tram to Excalibur was a nice way to lighten the journey to the strip. If you want to be in the middle of all the Vegas action, this isn’t the hotel for you.
In short, I would stay at THEhotel again in a heartbeat.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Did you get your tickets?

Monday, October 12, 2009
First Christmas Movie
False Advertising
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Mattress Mousetrap
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
5 Decades of #1's
OK, seems like SONY is confirming that Barbra Streisand will enter the Billboard Charts at #1. It's not official so if Paramore ends up on top, disregard this blog. I'm staying positive.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Planning Planning Planning
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Christmas Carol
Official start of the holiday season?
Back from mental vacation

Well I've been back from Vegas over a week and my mind has finally returned from vacation. Coming back from vacation always sucks; laundry, empty fridge, no money, jet-lag, work...luckily my mind has recovered and my somewhat daily posts to this fancy blog shall resume. Some highlights from the Vegas trip:
My wish list for tonight...
Friday, September 11, 2009
Piper Sonoma - A Fruity Budget Choice
Words and Bubbles

I love me some bubbly, I love me some wine...I would love to review such things but I can never find enough words to describe such a thing. Starting soon I'm going to introduce a new line of blogs aptly titled...
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Long Weekend = Long Week
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Signature Dish

I was catching up with Top Chef and you always hear "signature dish", I always ask myself, what would be mine? For last night's dinner (FND instead of SND), I made roasted chicken w/ cheddar mashed potatoes and green beans, basic but delicious (no pictures, I was too hungry). This might rank as my top go-to dish, it's perfect for company and pretty darn easy, just stuff the chicken, season and bake. Perhaps I should get a group of friends together and do some taste tests.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Don't be...
Whitney Houston

I just have to write a little ditty about the one and thankfully only Whitney Houston. Everyone is abuzz about her "comeback", well if this is a comeback, I would have to rank it as one of the worst ever. Her album is mediocre, nothing notable or memorable and her "comeback" performance on GMA was just terrible. Check it out on Please note that her performance is 80% back-up singers, 20% Whitney. She is not ready for this, her voice isn't ready, and based on her banter in between songs, she doesn't seem mentally prepared. She was once the voice, now she is a raspy out of tune "singer".
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Rich and Julia

I need a Julie and Julia moment...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
The days are getting shorter...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Next to Normal - A Review

Next to Normal, winner of 3 Tony Awards is a stroke of brilliance. Currently playing on Broadway at the Booth Theatre, Next to Normal is an emotional roller coaster where poignant songs and emotional story-telling meet soaring performances and brilliant design. One question, why this show wasn't the winner of a few more Tonys, especially "best musical"? With all that award nonsense aside, Next to Normal is one of the best musical experiences in recent memory. This show does not sacrifice substance for style, the primary focus is the story and the music, design and cast frame that story to perfection, a rare feat these days.
Alice Ripley is a tour de force as Diana, I can't get over how brilliant she was in this show. I feel honored to have seen this fine leading lady in top form. Kudos to the rest of the cast for their exquisit performaces. The show is designed and directed to perfection and the music and lyrics were catchy yet meaningful. The book (the most important element) is powerful and witty.
Next to Normal is theater at it's best. Broadway is once again changed and I wish we could see more shows like this produced on Broadway, To sum it up, this show is daring, un-apoligetic, heartfelt, candid, funny, disturbing, moving...the list could go on...
I dare you to find another musical currently playing on Broadway which holds up to the words listed above. Head to the Booth now, you will not be disappointed.
Next to Normal
The Booth Theatre
Performance: 2009.08.29 2pm
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thanks, Cooper, Mom, NY and Julia
First off, thanks for all the positivity on my last post, I feel your digital love!
Now onto more important things, Cooper to be exact. I’m spending the day at my parent’s house preparing for my Mother’s Birthday Dinner, an added bonus to this is chilling with Cooper, the most precious pup in the world. Right now he is laying against my leg waiting for a belly rub. He makes me smile no matter what my mood (and that sometimes takes a lot), so I dedicate this blog to the one and only Cooper!
Traver’s Weekend…blah…I’m officially out of town and won’t return until the madness ends. I’ll be spending the weekend in the city. I can’t wait, it’s been so long. I’m hoping to catch a show and chill out. I welcome any show recommendations.
I saw Julie and Julia last night, nice flick. Meryl Streep was genius (as per usual) and Amy Adams fell flat. I would rather have seen a movie with just Julia and no Julie. I need to dig out my “Art of French Cooking” book, I tried a recipe in High School and hid the book as my attempt at French cooking was unsuccessful, now that I have a bit more experience in the kitchen, I’m ready to cook with Julia once more.
Well that is all I have for now, peace possums!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Another day, another f-word!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Rusty Keys

I'm back in the saddle, or shall I say bench. Since I have the week off I finally have time to play the piano. I just rocked out for a solid hour...and no banging from the lady downstairs...
Passing Strange
Over a year ago I experienced a musical theater experience like no other; “Passing Strange”. Like any live performance, the memories of that matinee or evening will eventually fade. The true test however, is how long it takes for them to fade. In the case of Passing Strange, they continue on for me. The music, the talent, and most importantly the words… Passing Strange is a beautiful and stirring musical journey through life that everyone can relate to. The show is worthy of a lifelong run, but Broadway being what it is, this show closed well before its time, luckily it continues beyond the stage.
Available on-demand via Time Warner, the story and words of Passing Strange are alive and well. I can’t recommend this “movie” enough. The show holds up very well on screen and that is a testament to the shows creators Heidi and Stew and the cast that told this story every night at the Belasco. If you have some spare moments and want a true cinematic/theatrical experience order this film and immerse yourself into Passing Strange. You will not be disappointed. “Listening is waiting…”
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Good Morning

What better way to kick off a day at the track than with a mimosa...